Professor Admoni holding a joystick next to a black Kinova robot arm

Henny Admoni

Associate Professor
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

On sabbatical at KTH University in Stockholm through August 2025

Professor Admoni directs the Human And Robot Partners (HARP) Lab, which develops assistive and collaborative robots and AI to help improve people’s lives. Her research is in the areas of human-robot interaction, assistive robotics, human-centered learning, and modeling human behavior.

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Carnegie Mellon University
Robotics Institute
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA

Office: Newell-Simon Hall 4529


While on sabbatical, I will have only a few openings for ad hoc appointments. Please email me for a scheduling link.

Working With Me

If you are interested in doing research with me, please click below to learn more about how to get involved.

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